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City Guilds C2 -Pr-Test-1-new_City Guilds B2-Pr-TEST-1-TB new.qxd  2/9/2016  5:58 µµ  Page 7

                                                                                                   TEST 1

               Part 4

               Listen to the conversation and answer the questions. Put a circle round the letter of the correct answer.
               An example is done for you. You will hear the conversation twice. You have two minutes to read through
               the questions.
                      Example:   What kind of topics does this programme address?
                                    a) controversial topics
                                    b) health topics
                                    c) news topics

                  1. What does Ben think the smoking ban threatens?
                     a) people’s health
                     b) doctor’s incomes
                     c) individual rights

                  2. Who is not considered a minority?
                     a) smokers
                     b) non smokers
                     c) children

                  3. Ben is presenting smokers as
                     a) oppressed victims.
                     b) freedom fighters.
                     c) greedy.

                  4. Mary Ann mentions drunk drivers because
                     a) they are usually smokers.
                     b) they help illustrate her point.
                     c) they are also oppressed minorities.

                  5. When Mary Ann makes the statement that secondhand smoke can kill, she is
                     a) bluffing.
                     b) winding Ben up.
                     c) confident.

                  6. How is the US study innovative?
                     a) It shows smoking is dangerous.
                     b) It shows a drop in heart attacks.
                     c) It looks at non smokers.

                  7. What does Ben say is an alternative to banning smoking in restaurants?
                     a) offering smoking and non smoking restaurants
                     b) allowing smoking in pubs                                            Total: 7 marks
                     c) offering smoking and non smoking sections                    Total marks for Listening: 26
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